Rete di Imprese
A network of historic firms from Lazio with one single mission: achieving and expressing Italian excellence in interior decoration. Made It guarantees years of experience in teamwork and production of complex integrated public spaces such as hotels, restaurants, private yachts and shops. Thanks to our wide-ranging knowledge we can provide our customers with all the different production phases: conception, communication, design, construction, installation and after-sales services. Great organizational skills and mutual integration allow the Made it group to operate in a timely and accurate manner in partial renovation of public and private environments, optimizing costs and times. Made it, a single reality with many advantages.
Made it searches for and provides innovative materials and designs and produces turnkey furnishings. The company deals with design, manufacturing and furniture. We offer a full range of services. We design and renovate areas, settle technical and red tape matters and we guarantee product quality. Made it also design and craft both pieces of furniture. Produces prestige forniture, matching tradition research and technology. From design to installation all phases of construction are followed by qualified personnel only.
Orange and the team at Made it provide you with professionals who create, or re-create, the image of your Hotel or chain of Hotels, and help you define a strategy to launch this identity using new languages and means: social networks, online guides, viral videos, but also through traditional media channels, below the line and through specifically targeted events.Un Network di aziende storiche laziali con un’unica Mission: rappresentare l’eccellenza della produzione italiana, nel settore Interior.
Made It garantisce anni di esperienza nel lavoro di squadra e nella realizzazione integrata di progetti complessi di spazi pubblici come hotel, ristoranti, yacht privati e negozi.
L’integrazione delle varie competenze consente di offrire al cliente tutte le fasi realizzative: concept, comunicazione, progettazione, realizzazione, montaggio ed assistenza post-vendita.
La grande capacità di organizzazione e di integrazione reciproca consente al pool Made it di intervenire in modo puntuale e chirurgico nelle ristrutturazioni anche parziali dei vari ambienti pubblici e privati, ottimizzando costi e tempi di realizzazione.
Made It. da un’unica realtà, tanti vantaggi.
Made It si è specializzata nella progettazione chiavi in mano di residenze private, uffici, locali e negozi, sviluppando concept e nuovi format commerciali con un’attenzione particolare al settore dell’ospitalità. Progetta e realizza elementi di arredo e di design con materiali innovativi ricercando nuove proposte per il mercato.
Made it si avvale di un pool di ingegneri e di architetti provenienti da aree di ricerca e sviluppo sia in ambito universitario che aziendale. L’eterogeneità dei profili e delle capacità di partner e collaboratori mira a garantire la massima competenza nei vari ambiti applicativi richiesti dal mercato e a cercare in ogni progetto di massimizzare lo sviluppo e l’integrazione delle risorse tecnologiche.
Orange insieme al team di Made It ti mette a disposizione figure professionali che creano o ri-creano (brand reloading) l’immagine del tuo Hotel o catena alberghiera. Realizza la tua strategia di comunicazione e la distribuisce sia nei nuovi media: social network, guide online, viral video, ma anche con i tradizionali sistemi di below the line, stampa, eventi guerriglia marketing.A network of historic firms from Lazio with one single mission: achieving and expressing Italian excellence in interior decoration. Made It guarantees years of experience in teamwork and production of complex integrated public spaces such as hotels, restaurants, private yachts and shops. Thanks to our wide-ranging knowledge we can provide our customers with all the different production phases: conception, communication, design, construction, installation and after-sales services. Great organizational skills and mutual integration allow the Made it group to operate in a timely and accurate manner in partial renovation of public and private environments, optimizing costs and times. Made it, a single reality with many advantages.
Made it searches for and provides innovative materials and designs and produces turnkey furnishings. The company deals with design, manufacturing and furniture. We offer a full range of services. We design and renovate areas, settle technical and red tape matters and we guarantee product quality. Made it also design and craft both pieces of furniture. Produces prestige forniture, matching tradition research and technology. From design to installation all phases of construction are followed by qualified personnel only.
Orange and the team at Made it provide you with professionals who create, or re-create, the image of your Hotel or chain of Hotels, and help you define a strategy to launch this identity using new languages and means: social networks, online guides, viral videos, but also through traditional media channels, below the line and through specifically targeted events.